Author: Reginald Harper

Self Storage In Glasgow Can Change The Festival Experience

From Trnsmit to T in the Park music festivals in Scotland have become a huge attraction for young and old alike in the diverse and ever changing Scottish music scene. Self Storage In Glasgow is helping to meet that demand by providing storage facilities for artists and fans alike within the city centre. Both fans and artists in the Glasgow music scene have an active interest in storage in Glasgow and we will explore just how much Self Storage in Glasgow can change the festival and music scene experience.

Self Storage In Glasgow And The Music Industry

Over recent years the music industry has been enjoying a better relationship with Self storage companies in Glasgow. Both parties benefit from business when there are major concerts or festivals occurring in Glasgow. Production companies and musical artists are able to store their items in a secure location and access their equipment at any time which provides great advantages in terms of security and accessibility. The Self Storage companies benefit well from these types of deals as they are gaining custom and in addition to this they may receive more business leads as a result of a successful dealing with a large music industry influencer.

What Are The Advantages to Self Storage In Glasgow

Self Storage facilities in Glasgow hold a number of advantages for those who choose to use the facilities

  • Self Storage Glasgow facilities are very secure and many offer CCTV as well as industrial strength lockers and cabinets to ensure all goods within a storage area are secure and not at risk
  • Accessibility to items within the storage facilities is available in most cases 24-7 this allows for full accessibility to access items whenever they are needed day or night without any hassle
  • Self Storage offers great flexibility for those using it meaning that storage can be used for a short period of time or alternatively for much longer periods if needed. This is especially advantageous to musicians and production companies as they may need somewhere to store their equipment year round or alternatively for a few days whilst a Tour is going on
  • Self Storage can also assist in de-cluttering a workplace or property. Items that could be of some value in the future can be stored within self storage as well as furniture and large items that may be difficult to store in your own property

What To Consider Before Purchasing A Self Storage Facility

Before purchasing or using a self storage facility there are a number of factors that should be considered to ensure the storage facility suits the user. One such factor which is worth considering before purchasing a self storage facility is budget. Your budget whether small or large can affect the quality of the storage facility you use. Try shopping around or request if there is discount to see where you can get the best deal without compromising on quality . Storage size is another factor which should be considered as the size of the facility or unit you choose can restrict how much you may want to store so it is best to find one that fits the amount of space you need.

Storage In Glasgow

Using Commercial Cleaning Companies Glasgow To Tidy Up Festivals

It is no secret that music festivals are equally glamourous and disgusting. Watching your favourite bands perform live with all your friends while not showering for five days. It is a bittersweet feeling leaving your friends and music and memories behind but getting to go home to a shower, comfortable bed and a good sleep.

commercial cleaning companies glasgow

However festival goers leave behind more than just happy memories…they also leave behind all their waste. From clothing, tents, cans, food and other unnameable trash. The clean up can take days. This year, the top festivals including Glastonbury, Leeds & Reading and Isle of Weight have hired
SE Commercial Services – top commercial cleaning companies Glasgow. Along with employees and volunteers SE Commercial Services tidy up the festival as effectively and eco-friendly as possible – here’s how.

The Initial Clear Up

commercial cleaning companies glasgow

Recent statistics have confirmed that UK festivals produce a massive 23,500 tonnes of rubbish every year with almost two-thirds of that being sent off to landfill – can you imagine all that waste?

SE Commercial Services have put a plan in place to salvage as much ‘stuff’ as possible. UK Festivals, especially Glastonbury have partnered up with Homeless, poverty and refugee charities this year to help give this ‘stuff’ away. Hundreds if not thousands of tents get left behind each year, so SE Commercial Services and their team of employees and volunteers donate as many tents as possible to these charities all over the world. As well as this left behind food (which is edible and untouched) and toiletries are also donated. This is a long but worth while task to really help those in need. The volunteers only get 24 hours to scrape through all the rubbish before the waste contractors arrive and send everything that’s left to landfill.

Promoting Better Habits

commercial cleaning companies glasgow

The most important issue to tackle is the lack of education to festival goers. This year the festival organisers and musicians alike are using their social media platforms (with thousands of followers) to try and educate people on waste at festivals. By using biodegradable trash bags, not bringing small ‘travel’ toiletries, packing up your own tent and donating it to save time in the clean up and also throwing away your food rubbish in the bins provided across the site will all help in the task to improve our environmental footprint.

How The Music Industry Is Becoming More Environmentally Friendly

Waste Free Digital Consumption

The way we listen to music has changed within the last 100 years. From going to shows in your local theatre to listening to new music on the radio. Then when television was invented so was Top of The Pops. Vinyl Records were the most popular way to listen to your favourite artists before cassette tapes and boom boxes were introduced. Then in the 1990s CD Roms came along and changed the music industry yet again.

However times have changed again and although vinyl records are ‘trendy’ we largely listen to music via digital platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music. This is great for the environment as we can store thousands of song via the internet and don’t have piled of CDs or Records that end up going in the trash. Less waste = happy environment.

Retro Is Fashionable

As mentioned before, Vinyl records that were largely used between the 1950s – 1980s where people could listen to albums and singles on their record player. They were big and bulky and took up a lot of room and hence why a smaller CD Rom was introduced in the 90s. However around 2010 music brands such as HMV began to notice a rise in interest in’retro’ and hence began to sell vintage vinyl records. This was great for the environment as recycling and reusing products is better than throwing them away. However record companies jumped on this bandwagon and started to produce new albums on CDs, Digital and Vinyl. Mass production and more consumption is having a negative impact on the environment due to the amount of pollution created from making these products.

Celebrity Influence

Many artists from all over the world are using their celebrity status to spread the word of how we can be more environmentally friendly and sustainable.

On their world tour, Radiohead shipped their stage and equipment by ship rather than air which obviously took longer but was much more environmentally friendly so the tour was spread out over a longer period of time. They also used biofuel on their tour busses and encouraged fans to travel to concerts on public transport via their social media channels.

Sheryl Crow was another artist who used her tour to promote more sustainable habits. She sold biodegradable water bottles rather than plastic bottles at the venues and also travelled her US leg of the tour on biodiesel fuel.

How Event Crew Agencies Can Help The Environment

We’ve all been there , music festivals with water bottles littering the fields tents and litter as far as the eye can see. Its a pretty horrid site. However recently Event Crew Agencies and festival organisers have been stepping up to help combat this unnecessary waste and pollution. We take a look at how festival organisers and event crews can change their ways to have a real impact on the environmental damage some events can cause.

How Do Event Crew Agencies Negatively Impact The Environment

Event Crew Agencies

Unfortunately in the festival and music world there is a lot of wastage that comes as a by- product of these concerts. Much of this stems from what the organisers and the festival event agencies allow to be brought in or bought on site. Often festival organisers and Event Crew Agencies are working on a budget and fail to consider the differences small changes could make to the environmental impact of their festivals. Several smaller changes industry wide could have a significant effect on the way festivals run and could change them for the better. Here are a few ways in which existing festivals unfortunately have a negative impact on the environment

  • Event agencies often sell drinks in disposable but non recyclable plastic cups
  • Event agencies often use heavy machinery and equipment without taking into consideration the damage they could do to the earth and surrounding ecosystem
  • Event crew agencies often use diesel generators and other machinery which can cause pollutants in the local area
  • Over 23000 tonnes of waste is produced each year on average at music festivals around the UK

How Event Crew Agencies Are Changing To Help The Enviroment

In the last few years Eco-friendliness had reached new heights. Social and mainstream media have helped reach and make an impact on millions across the world who want to make sure that we do more to help the environment. The issue of being Eco friendly has been highlighted by accelerated climate change around the world as well as a number of high profile documentaries which illustrate the sheer scale at which the world is becoming polluted. So what can Event Crew Agencies do to help?

  • Consulting with local environmentalists and the council to draw up plans about the festival and what can be done to ensure it has minimum impact on the local environment is an important step
  • Secondly encouraging people to use recycling bins at the venue can help to reduce waste and promote recycling
  • Ensuring that reusable cups are used and sold by Event Crew Agencies that are responsible for catering in order to promote recycling
  • Educating festival goers with information packs about recycling e.g giving them a recyclable bag with a recyclable cup as well as healthy snacks to get them through the day
  • Glastonbury festival is helping to lead the way in being Eco friendly. At Glastonbury all food caterers now have to use recyclable or bio degradable packaging
  • Bench marking between festivals to try and achieve the best environmentally friendly rating is another method that could be implemented.
Event Crew Agencies

Emotional Impact of Music in a Film

While we might assume that videography and film-making are primarily visual forms of art, the gripping score comes with the combination of music. Music heightens the impact of the moving pictures. With each frame, videographers and filmmakers ensure that they convey a particular emotion. The different variables involved: location, lighting, actors delivery are carefully sorted out and executed to rile up the audience. Of all artistic tools that filmmakers have, music is the most powerful and certainly the most vital tool.

Whether custom or handpicked track, music helps to create an emotional landscape for the general production. Music within film places the viewer in a temporary reality griping all parts of his/her emotions.

Music can be used in a film in various ways: as background for the story, a musical within the movie or as background for the audience. It compliments the drama, comedy, action or fiction.

However, its not as simple as selecting the perfect sad song for the perfect sad scene. Its more than that. In fact, it’s so powerful that music in a film is also related with how to overcome anxiety. Imagine that! Films from Pixar productions show the perfect manifestation of music in film. Pixar plays with the viewers emotions by sending contrasting messages on what is on the screen. This means, by mixing sad scenes with happy music, Pixar tears at our emotions in the most unimaginable manner.

Additionally, the music production within Pixar movies ensures that it delivers the theme much earlier in the story. They, later on, hit the audience with the same tunes when they least expect it- and when most vulnerable. This is what makes their movies so brilliant!

When filmmakers want to change the tone of a particular scene, one of the best ways would be to use music. The power of music affects the audience psychologically. This ensures that the film is more efficient and dynamic. By understanding the impact of music to film, a filmmaker can invent new ways to create emotional effects on the viewer.

Eco-Songwriter Randy Todd plays Los Angeles

Santa Monica’s newest home for musicians and music lovers is The Trip. Westside LA has long been a place to hear great performances, and venues like the Brig, Hinano’s, the Bistro and the Red Garter have kept that magic happening. Now The Trip, formerly the Bitter Redhead via Nocturnal Bar, is poised to take over as the hottest stage in town.

Coming up on Monday, 12/15 at 8:30pm see Randy Todd, veteran L.A. singer/songwriter, do his amazing acoustic set of inspired and socially conscious originals, followed by a night of melodic improvisation, favorite covers played with a new twist, and exciting guitar work from some of the rising musical stars of Los Angeles.

Show up early and enjoy the fine wines, microbrews, and sake specials, and see the host of the Monday Night Acoustic Jam, Dan O’Sullivan, kick off the excitement with his own unique style. If you wanna sound like him, then checkout the superior singing method. Otherwise stick around for a Green Music performance by local legend and eco-activist Randy Todd. The night will end with some crazy jams featuring talented special guests, so don’t miss it. For the World!

The Trip is located at 2101 Lincoln, at Grant, in Santa Monica. Doors at 8pm, music starts promptly at 8:30. a suggested donation of $5 goes directly to supporting more music in the community!


The Green Movement involves artists from every nation and walk of life, all committed to helping preserve our environmental heritage from the ravages of apathy, greed, and ignorance. Through Music, we can heal. Through songs, we can communicate on an emotional level that is unique to sound, it’s ability to make us feel something – especially when that feeling is loving this world and everything on it. Clean water, clean air, climate change, and biodiversity are some of the most urgent issueswe will ever face, and every second counts when rainforest species and countless medicines and miracles of the natural world are vanishing as we breathe, and the world gets closer to irrevocable widespread devastation brought about by environmental chain reactions.

We’ve all seen the world going crazy, storms, earthquakes, terrorists, greenhouse gasses, and more, some of which is just out of our control. But some of it is in our control and we can take steps, with purpose, to heal the damage unthinking generations have inflicted on this planet and begin to reverse the tide that could sweep us all into oblivion.

Watch the frogs. They are an indicator species, like salamanders, and these ‘keystone species’ let us know – like the canary in the coalmine – that something is going wrong and it’s time for immediate action. With the climate changing, many species of amphibians are dying off altogether, and many others losing drastic numbers of their kind, as molds and fungis attack their sensitive skins and they can no longer survive in a warming ecosystem.

Biodiversity could save us from countless diseases – known and unencountered yet – not to mention interspecies collapse on a world-threatening scale. Albert Einstein, the vegetarian, once said that the human race would have seven years to survive if the bees disappeared. And what’s been happening? Hive after hive has been found ravaged by mites now able to attack the bees, or abandoned by bees no longer able to navigate back to their home.

We need to grab the wheel, push the scarecrow out of the drivers seat and turn this gas-guzzler around. It’s time for those with the wisdom, the creativity, and the love to see the path that we call walk together, to help us head down it. Music will heal us, guide us, and save us from those parts of ourselves that grow jaded, anxious, depressed, resigned, and angry. So Eco-Musician is dedicated to that fighting spirit which lives in each of our souls and wants there to be a heaven on earth, and we the shepherds of Eden.