Every successful musician has a ‘brand’. This about Madonna, she ‘re-brands’ every decade to keep people interested. Within her re-brand she changes her hair, her style and even her sound. Madonna isn’t the only musician to do this, Britney, Beyonce, Queen and David Bowie were all known to reinvent themselves to keep their listeners interested. Branding includes how you look, how your perform and how you sounds. Many musicians use artists and logo designers to design their ‘brand logo’ and album cover.

What Is A Brand
Lets first begin with asking what a brand is and how it relates to musicians. A brand can be a logo, tagline, designs, name tone of voice amongst many other features. A brand is a visual representation of a companies personality.
Start With Why

Start With Why is a bestselling book written by Simon Sinek in 2009 – it implies that a company or brand should communicate why they do what they do – the reason behind their business, or in this case a musician or band. It is really important to be unique and different in the music industry in order to stand out from the very competitive and overcrowded market. Once you have found your why you then need to communicate it on stage, what you wear, how you perform, the art in your album and also how you use social media.
How To Create Your Own Visual Identity

The first thing to begin with is your genre of music. You can be creative with your sound within your genre. Another thing you can get really creative with is your style and look. Freddie Mercury was one who was very experimental and fun with his styles and clothing choices -which is what made him so recognisable and successful.

Reginald Harper owner of this blog, He created this website many year before to share his experience all about music,films,sounds, etc.