We’ve all been there , music festivals with water bottles littering the fields tents and litter as far as the eye can see. Its a pretty horrid site. However recently Event Crew Agencies and festival organisers have been stepping up to help combat this unnecessary waste and pollution. We take a look at how festival organisers and event crews can change their ways to have a real impact on the environmental damage some events can cause.
How Do Event Crew Agencies Negatively Impact The Environment

Unfortunately in the festival and music world there is a lot of wastage that comes as a by- product of these concerts. Much of this stems from what the organisers and the festival event agencies allow to be brought in or bought on site. Often festival organisers and Event Crew Agencies are working on a budget and fail to consider the differences small changes could make to the environmental impact of their festivals. Several smaller changes industry wide could have a significant effect on the way festivals run and could change them for the better. Here are a few ways in which existing festivals unfortunately have a negative impact on the environment
- Event agencies often sell drinks in disposable but non recyclable plastic cups
- Event agencies often use heavy machinery and equipment without taking into consideration the damage they could do to the earth and surrounding ecosystem
- Event crew agencies often use diesel generators and other machinery which can cause pollutants in the local area
- Over 23000 tonnes of waste is produced each year on average at music festivals around the UK
How Event Crew Agencies Are Changing To Help The Enviroment
In the last few years Eco-friendliness had reached new heights. Social and mainstream media have helped reach and make an impact on millions across the world who want to make sure that we do more to help the environment. The issue of being Eco friendly has been highlighted by accelerated climate change around the world as well as a number of high profile documentaries which illustrate the sheer scale at which the world is becoming polluted. So what can Event Crew Agencies do to help?
- Consulting with local environmentalists and the council to draw up plans about the festival and what can be done to ensure it has minimum impact on the local environment is an important step
- Secondly encouraging people to use recycling bins at the venue can help to reduce waste and promote recycling
- Ensuring that reusable cups are used and sold by Event Crew Agencies that are responsible for catering in order to promote recycling
- Educating festival goers with information packs about recycling e.g giving them a recyclable bag with a recyclable cup as well as healthy snacks to get them through the day
- Glastonbury festival is helping to lead the way in being Eco friendly. At Glastonbury all food caterers now have to use recyclable or bio degradable packaging
- Bench marking between festivals to try and achieve the best environmentally friendly rating is another method that could be implemented.

Reginald Harper owner of this blog, He created this website many year before to share his experience all about music,films,sounds, etc.