Author: Reginald Harper

Converting Old Media To Digital Format

Converting old media to digital is something that has become more popular as the years have gone by. Digital photography and video have revolutionized the way we view the world around us. People are no longer content to just take pictures; they now capture their favorite moments on cell phones, cameras, and old slides.

These days, people want to share their family memories, special moments, and everything in between on their cell phone or in a slideshow with the best digital video camera. Companies such as digital converters are helping to work hard and drive this change.

Why Convert Media?

Because of this, many people are turning to conversion software for help when converting their old photos and videos to a digital format. Converting slides to videos is something that can be very time consuming, but with the right computer program you will be able to convert your photos and videos into high quality images. Converting slides to movies is often times quite difficult for someone who does not have a lot of experience with computer programs. Converting old media to digital can save you a great deal of money, which is especially important if you are on a tight budget. Not only that, but it can also give you a great looking product that can be shown off to friends and loved ones.

There are many different software programs that are capable of converting your old media to digital format. The first thing that you will need to do is search for the video formats that you would like converted. There are a number of different video formats available, including Camtasia, Final cut Pro, and Paint Shop Pro. Converting slides to movies can be as simple as clicking the play button on your slide show and then starting the conversion process.

Further Benefits

Another way that you can convert your slides to digital files is by using photo editing software. You can easily convert your slides into high quality pictures and movies through the use of professional digital photo editing software. Photo editing programs such as Adobe Photoshop are designed specifically for converting old photos into digital files. You can easily touch up your pictures or even add special effects for an extra personal touch.

If you are interested in converting your old media to digital format, but you do not have the skills necessary to convert your media, then you may want to consider converting your video tapes onto dvd. Video tapes hold onto their video images much better than audio tapes, which can be very problematic. Converting your tapes onto dvd can help to preserve your original video image as well as expanding the number of options that you have when it comes to storing and playing your media.

Future Changes

The one thing that you must keep in mind when it comes to converting media files to digital format is that your photos and movies will not be as enjoyable as they originally were when taken. This is due to the fact that video tapes tend to lose their sharpness, whereas photos and video recordings retain their clarity much better.

This does not mean that you cannot have fun with your photographs and videos; it simply means that you will need to make sure that you do not play them too often. If you are planning on having a party or a celebration, then using digital formats on the average rating occasions will help to keep your party going until the last couple of minutes.

New Music Class For Kids

The Music Class offers education-based study programs designed to unleash your musical talents. The Music Class is an internationally recognized program, which is based in Atlanta! Many of Atlanta’s teachers are featured on the award winning CDs you get in class! Our program will help you get the highest grades in music class while allowing you to explore and express yourself in a fun, exciting way!

The Music Class is for children ages six years old and up. You can enroll in the program by providing proof of a valid Georgia driver’s license, or by presenting a school ID card. Students who have completed our course and have an established music career are often able to transfer to another Music Class in their area, and sometimes even to another state. All our students are required to attend regular classroom sessions with a professional teacher. Our teacher-to-student ratio is usually about one-to-one, but you’ll need to schedule some extra time if needed. We do provide our students with additional support online. If you want to get additional help with your homework, lesson planning or scheduling, you can always visit our website!

What makes The Music Class so special? The first benefit is that it allows the children to express themselves creatively. This is a wonderful way to learn about rhythm, timing and harmony. The second benefit is that it develops listening skills, musical thinking, and composition. Our curriculum also teaches how to write songs and music scores. Finally, The Music Class enables students to build up their self-esteem. They are encouraged to learn how to listen to others and how to listen to themselves.

The History of Saxophones

Saxophones are one of the oldest instruments in the world, having been around for almost three thousand years. The saxophone is actually a family of wind instruments commonly played with a single-reed mouthpiece and made from brass. Saxophones were also used to make musical instruments called “Symphonies”Rondo Sax.” In some parts of Europe they still are. Some of the famous saxophone players are John Paul Jones, Howard Roberts, and Donald Fagen.

Different Types Of Saxophones

Saxophone players are known for being incredibly versatile. They can play an electric saxophone, a classical saxophone, a tenor saxophone, a baritone saxophone, a bass saxophone, a Hawaiian guitar, a tenor saxophone, a baritone saxophone, a flute, and an upright piano. Many people use their saxophones as part of their band ensemble. Saxophones are available in many different styles. The most popular types are made from brass, steel, and wood. These instruments can be found in the sizes mentioned above, but they also come in many more sizes and styles. You can find saxophones in all price ranges and most online stores will have them at discount prices.

Beyond Music

Saxophones are not just for music anymore. Saxophone players often choose to use their instruments to create beautiful works of art and sculptures as well. This is because a saxophone can play many different notes and this can help make a piece sound beautiful.

One of the most popular types of saxophones is the acoustic one. These are designed to imitate a real trumpet by being made of materials such as glass and wood. The other type is the wind instrument.

One type of saxophone that is gaining popularity is the wind instruments that are made out of plastic. These saxophones are not only easy to handle and are lightweight, they can also be played at very high decibel levels. Because of this, they have become extremely popular among high school students and professional musicians. Many schools even offer courses that teach students how to play the saxophone.

If you love playing the saxophone, you can do a lot of research and learn a lot about it. It can be a very rewarding hobby to have because there are so many different styles, ages, and prices. of saxophones to choose from. You can also play in a group if you like and have fun together.

Learning The Sax

A new saxophone is almost always the best way to start learning the instrument. Learning to play a saxophone is not difficult but it can take some time for you to get used to your new saxophone. Make sure that you go over the instructions thoroughly before beginning to play.

Saxophones are a great way to pass your time and learn something new. You can find a lot of information on the internet and at local stores and they can give you all the answers to your questions. You can also visit a saxophone shop and get some advice if you need it.

Music Events In The Country

The best music events are not all held in places with a lot of hotels. In the past, it was said that music events were held only in the cities. Now however there are many music events held in towns and even outside. These are also called concerts are the most popular type of event. You might think that these concerts are only held in big cities, but it is possible to find them in smaller places as well.

Music events are very different from other types of events and are not the same with all kinds of concerts. Most music events have a specific theme, which is why they can be held in so many places. A concert or an event will have certain songs that will be played which are usually songs from a particular artist. Another main reason why they are held in so many locations is because they are used as marketing tools for the musician.

There are many types of music event like music concerts, rock concerts, gospel concerts, rock & roll concerts, jazz concerts, pop concerts, and folk concerts. Each type of music event has its own distinct type of music and will be different. The most popular type of music event is one which is held for the promotion of a musician. There are a lot of musicians and each of them need to get some publicity in order for them to become successful. There are many ways for these musicians to do this and some of them include concerts, festivals, and conventions. These are the most popular and well-known types of music events.

Air Conditioning Contractors For Music Venues

Air conditioning contractors are people who help with the installation of air conditioning units in commercial and residential buildings. They are trained to install and maintain various air conditioning units for industrial, office and residential buildings. An air conditioning contractor is a professional who works closely with the owner or manager of the building where air conditioning units are installed to ensure that the installation is complete according to the specifications set down by the owner or manager of the building.

Lots of music venues have been revamping their air con systems recently, since alot of the systems in place are old and struggling to keep up with modern standards. We wanted to give people a quick overview of air con equipment so that they are better informed if they need to put a system in place.

air conditioning contractors

What Do Air Conditioning Contractors Do?

Air conditioning contractors are required to ensure that the air conditioning units are maintained according to the rules and regulations of the building. In addition, they are also expected to ensure that the system is operating in a safe and reliable manner. An air conditioning contractor can also ensure that there are no faulty elements in the system.

To do this, an air conditioning contractor should first assess the system. For this, they would need to inspect the air conditioners themselves. They should also check the electrical connections, electrical wiring and other parts of the system. They should also verify that all components of the air conditioning system are working properly before any work commences. This will enable the contractor to determine whether there are any areas that require further inspection or maintenance.

During this time, the air conditioners should be switched on to check whether the systems require maintenance or not. Once this is done, the contractor will then ensure that all the components of the system are functioning properly.

air conditioning contractors

Making Sure It Works Correctly

Contractors also need to ensure that the system is tested before installation commences. This is so because failure to test the system beforehand could lead to unnecessary cost. The air conditioning contractor will also check that the system has been connected properly to the electrical lines. He or she should also check that the system is functioning properly. Failure to do this could result in the system not being able to cool the building properly and could cause expensive damages to the building.

One of the most important things that air conditioning contractors do is checking that the system is functioning properly. If there are any problems with the system, the contractor will ensure that these are fixed and that they are not able to recur. The air conditioning contractor will also ensure that the system is operational during peak demand times when more people are using the building.

air con

I Decided To Sell My House Quick

I work in a local studio and wanted to get in touch with TTIP to tell them about the story of why I decided to sell my house quick. It is indeed a strange story, but one that I felt some people might gain a little bit of perspective and enjoyment out of. After all, during these difficult times of the global pandemic outbreak, we can all use a little bit of good news every now and then. I work as a full time studio engineer, our studio is home to some impressive equipment and we have had some great artists through our doors over the years. I love my job, but I never thought I would be moving into the place that I work. This is my story.

sell my house quick

Why Did I Sell My House Quick

The answer to why I decided to sell my house quick is actually really simple: coronavirus. The studio was to be closed down due to the lockdown measures, and this was something that we were all gutted about. We had lots of important days in the diary, and we were really looking forward to recording with some great bands this year. This all went down the drain, and we were forced to close our doors. On top of this, the owner of the studio sat me down and told me that he just couldn’t afford to pay me indefinitely, even with the government aid for employers. Regrettably, this meant that I would have to sell my house, but there was a silver lining in all this.

sell my house quick

Moving Into The Studio

The owner agreed that since the studio was all shut down, and I practically live in the place already, I could move in for a few weeks whilst I was finding a new place. The studio was in a very nice old building, and had some great mod cons that actually made my stay there very enjoyable. It had a very nice kitchen with a mini oven and everything else you would need. The studio rooms were quiet, and I could sit and play the piano or read in perfect peace. I was sleeping on some very nice office furniture with a few sheets and blankets to keep me warm. It was actually a very nice 2 months, and I even managed to get some work done on a few tracks whilst I was there.

leaving my home

Finding A New Place

I really loved living in the studio, but obviously I couldn’t stay there forever. It wasn’t exactly practical, for example I had to brush my teeth in the kitchen and I had to go to my sisters house for a shower. It was also very quiet, and almost a bit too quiet at times. After a few weeks however I was able to move into a smaller place that I could afford, which gave me my own space and some luxuries like a real bed and a shower! It has been an interesting lockdown so far.

Life After Lockdown For Musicians

Coronavirus has changed our lives in more ways than we could possibly imagine.

It has changed everything from our social lives to our working habits, and the world is feeling like it has been flipped upside down.

There have been many industries that have been greatly affected, like the airline industry and the entertainment sector.

This means that for musicians, who are part of the entertainment industry, times are proving to be very tough.

Celebrity artists will generally be ok during the coronavirus outbreak, but it is all the other key players within the industry that will struggle.

Many of these workers include stage crews, sound technicians, session musicians, lighting crews, other technicians and more.

Almost everyone in these positions is either out of a job, or not working at the moment and may only be receiving a partial income.

These are the people that are feeling the effects of the virus the most, not the big artists.

We have all seen the footage of popular artists performing on social media, since the coronavirus has meant the closure of bars, clubs and venues all over the country.

But the other artists that make up the majority of musicians in the world are really struggling.

Artists are saying that everything they had in their diaries for this year was practically wiped out overnight.

Live shows were obviously the biggest part of their time, but there was also teaching work, recording sessions and producing sessions that have dropped off.

People are understandably concerned, and within the UK alone, an estimated £21 million of work in the music industry has been lost since the beginning of the lockdown in March.

There has been a huge focus on the shift towards online learning, but music teachers are saying that many people are reluctant to pay for online lessons as they feel it is not worth the same value as lessons in person.

Our Studio Needed A Damp Proof Course

This is a special guest article written by the owner and operator of a studio in the UK. The UK has always had what’s known to the locals as the classic British weather.  This can be detrimental to buildings and property in the UK, and unfortunately this ground floor studio was suffering from damp related problems.  It’s thick concrete floor and brick walls were great for sound insolation, but when damp started to spread from the foundation of the building, it started to prove problematic, meaning that they needed a damp proof course.


The Story Of the Damp Proof Course

Our award-winning recording studio here in the outskirts of London is situated in a beautiful old building that never fails to impress our visitors.  We are on the ground floor, which is slightly recessed below street level.  The studio is almost perfect in everyway for recording.  It features a double laid concrete floor that then has another wooden floor on top, and all of the recording areas are rooms within rooms for maximum sonic shielding.  When the studio was put in, it was a requirement for the building owners that a space was left between the studio and the wall for inspection purposes.  The building was almost 200 years old, and had previous problems with damp in the past some 50 years ago.  So it was no surprise when the building surveyors told us that the damp problems had returned, and we would need to install a damp proof course.

damp proof course

Ignorance is Bliss

We had never really noticed an issue when we were tucked away in our beautiful wooden and carpeted studio rooms.  All we really noticed is that in the winter there was occasionally a bit of a smell, and the building owners always put it down to the age of the building.  Although we must say we are glad that they caught it when they did and decide to act on it, as it may have started to compromise the wooden interior of the studio.  They say ignorance is bliss, but in this case if we had been ignorant to the problem any longer we could have been in real trouble.

damp proof course


When the studio was first installed the decision was made to brick up a number of the windows on the ground floor.  This was not a huge problem, as a ventilation system was installed, however since this was around 10 years ago, it was apparent that it was not quite up to scratch and contributing to the damp issue.  The damp experts recommended that we upgraded the existing ventilation system to keep air moving through the building.  We made sure that an ultra-quiet fan was used so as not to bleed noise into the studio, and that it was placed far away.  The damp team made a series of air ducts to bring air into the building also.  With all of this work the studio would be able to live on.

Build The Perfect Home Studio

The home recording studio has become so prevalent today across all musical genres.

So much so that many mainstream hit albums have been crafted in small bedroom studios, and stand up against even the most professional studio outfits.

Whether you are an indy band looking to lay down their first recorded tracks, or an electronic music artist that is compiling their next album, the hoe studio is capable of all kinds of musical sounds.

Thanks to technology and the availability of certain equipment and instruments, home studios can sound just as good if not better than a professional studio.

home studio

But what exactly do you need to make your own studio set up?

We are going to give a brief rundown of the essentials for anyone starting their own home recording studio.

What You Need: The Essentials

Before you start buying pieces of equipment, it is important to understand your requirements for the sound you are going for.

For example, if you are an electronic music artist, you won’t need to drop hundreds of pounds on a decent condenser microphone, however if you are an indy band looking to record vocals, then you probably should get one.

Here are what I would consider to be the essentials for any home recording studio:

  • PC or Laptop
  • Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Audio Interface
  • Studio Monitors
  • Cables
  • Microphones
  • Pop Filter

With this you have the perfect foundation for recording organic sound as well as any other instruments you want to track.

Don’t Buy Cheap

There is a tendency amongst home studio artist to go cheap so they can buy more.

The truth is that this is a bad approach, as it will seriously limit what you can do.

Cheap gear is usually cheap for a reason, so take your time and build up a studio over time that will sound great.

How Are Artists Growing Their Social Media?

In the music industry traditionally up and coming artists have made a name for themselves through word of mouth as well as other artists speaking about them at their gigs. Whilst this process can be effective there are other ways in which Social media growth can flourish such as the use of an Instagram bot follower

Instagram bot follower

Why Is Social Media Important To Music Artists?

For music artists social media is important because it can make the difference between being a small time artists and making a break into the industry. For example if a photo or a track goes viral online then it is likely to attract a lot of attention overall. This can lead to the artist becoming considerably more popular and mainstream in some cases overnight!

In order to facilitate this growth tools such as a bit follower for Instagram can help to drive growth overall and deliver significant results. One of the main benefits of using Instagram as a social media platform in order to jump start growth is the people who use the platform as well as the communities. A major benefit on Instagram is the use of hashtags which can help to connect people overall and allow communities to grow.

Another way in which social media is useful is the promotion of new tracks and material. Applications such as Instagram allow artists to release music onto platforms which can be shared widely and freely online. Social media overall helps to facilitate the growth and spread of music online overall.

Instagram bot follower

What Makes Instagram One Of The Best Available Platforms For Artists?

  • Instagram has over one billion active monthly users
  • Instagram has a trending page where music artists often feature
  • Other applications can be integrated with a variety of other different applications
  • Adverts can be used to great effect on this platform to target users who have viewed artists profiles or music
  • Instagram is a free to use application

What Does An Instagram Bot Follower Do?

There are a variety of very beneficial features that an Instagram bot follower can bring overall. One of the most notable features of an Instagram bot is the auto post feature. Using this feature artists can pre-schedule their posts to be posted at different points throughout the week.

This serves as an excellent way in which artists can organise their social media as they can organise posts for different time periods well in advance. This is important as artists often have hectic schedules and need to adapt to changes in their routine as a matter of course.

Instagram bot follower

As well as scheduling posts and automated posting the bot follower can also help to greatly enhance the overall number of followers on someones Instagram profile.

One of the key ways through which this is done is through likes and following other users. Through the process of organic interactions , the bot follower can help to grow the overall following of artists in the music industry. The bot follower offers an excellent integrated package that can help the artist overall.