I work in a local studio and wanted to get in touch with TTIP to tell them about the story of why I decided to sell my house quick. It is indeed a strange story, but one that I felt some people might gain a little bit of perspective and enjoyment out of. After all, during these difficult times of the global pandemic outbreak, we can all use a little bit of good news every now and then. I work as a full time studio engineer, our studio is home to some impressive equipment and we have had some great artists through our doors over the years. I love my job, but I never thought I would be moving into the place that I work. This is my story.

Why Did I Sell My House Quick
The answer to why I decided to sell my house quick is actually really simple: coronavirus. The studio was to be closed down due to the lockdown measures, and this was something that we were all gutted about. We had lots of important days in the diary, and we were really looking forward to recording with some great bands this year. This all went down the drain, and we were forced to close our doors. On top of this, the owner of the studio sat me down and told me that he just couldn’t afford to pay me indefinitely, even with the government aid for employers. Regrettably, this meant that I would have to sell my house, but there was a silver lining in all this.

Moving Into The Studio
The owner agreed that since the studio was all shut down, and I practically live in the place already, I could move in for a few weeks whilst I was finding a new place. The studio was in a very nice old building, and had some great mod cons that actually made my stay there very enjoyable. It had a very nice kitchen with a mini oven and everything else you would need. The studio rooms were quiet, and I could sit and play the piano or read in perfect peace. I was sleeping on some very nice office furniture with a few sheets and blankets to keep me warm. It was actually a very nice 2 months, and I even managed to get some work done on a few tracks whilst I was there.

Finding A New Place
I really loved living in the studio, but obviously I couldn’t stay there forever. It wasn’t exactly practical, for example I had to brush my teeth in the kitchen and I had to go to my sisters house for a shower. It was also very quiet, and almost a bit too quiet at times. After a few weeks however I was able to move into a smaller place that I could afford, which gave me my own space and some luxuries like a real bed and a shower! It has been an interesting lockdown so far.

Reginald Harper owner of this blog, He created this website many year before to share his experience all about music,films,sounds, etc.